Saturday, January 21, 2006

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to me! Today's my birthday and look at me! Not able to open my mouth and speak even the bare minimum words. Sometimes I had to do a Sunday 1'o clock DD News act to my mom! My dumb charades skill does help! Siru thurumbum pal kutha udhavum.

I had a dental surgery last night. Had to get a tooth extracted, which had been troubling me for more than a year. I tried to postpone it as much as possible. Not because I was scared. I was very lazy to go to the Dentist. His clinic is quite far from my place.

But finally I succumbed to my tooth. I headed to the clinic. My dentist was a good guy. He did not start poking insruments right away. He said my tooth was looking bad and cannot be repaired in a single sitting. He said I had to come for three sittings(??!!). I am now his weekend patient. I gotta work on weekdays. Three weekends will be lost in my life! Yesterday was the first sitting. He explained me the process of what he will do in my mouth and what I should do when he is drilling, pushing and pulling at the tooth. After half an hour's struggle he got the tooth out. He gave it to me wrapped in swab of cotton. I did not know how to react. I was holding a piece of me! I proudly displayed it to my mom when I came home. She gave expression of horror and disgust. So I quickly hid it and I plan to preserve it! Tooth fairy, where are you?

1 comment:

csk said...

u really enjoied ur pets ;
u deserve their love.......
